It's time now for
Question 1: Who the heck are you?!
Answer: My name is Marsha. I'm a farmer's daughter, a biscuit eater and a tea slurper from Up 'Aest. I enjoy videos, blogging, and posing for pictures with books that I've never actually read. I'm 24 years old and that's all I have to say about that.
Islam... hmmm.

Answer: The guy holding the flowers. More formally, Jacob from Souris. I never actually knew who he was until high school, but I'm sure I've muttered things under my breath when I saw him and fellow Sourians taking over OUR BASIN HEAD in the summertime. He is exactly 1 month and 1 week older than me. This matters apparently.
I guess catching the bouquet IS foreshadowing.

Answer: Yes. We have a daughter named Timmy. She's 5 years old and she definitely inherited Jacob's good looks.
They grow up so fast.

Question 4: How long have you been together?
Answer: 6 years I think? Around then? Really though, after year 2 they just all sorta jumble together, AM I RIGHT LADIES?
Question 5: Why did you decide on a vintage/antique theme for the wedding?
Answer: Because it can be elegant and cost effective, and it just seemed right.
Question 6: What does your dress look like?
Answer: MUAHAHAHAHA I'LL NEVER TELLLLLLLL. (Please note: I have not purchased said dress yet. I have one in mind but nothing is certain)
Question 7: How much money have you raised through your 10 dollars from 100 people thing/are you completely off your rocker?
Answer: 110 bucks so far/yes.
Question 8: Who's in your wedding party?
Answer: That's another post for another time, I wanna make sure everything is finalized before I start talking about all of that.
Question 9: How did he propose?
Answer: Down on one knee under the Christmas lights at province house on November 31st, 2009. It was beautiful and a very intimate moment between the three of us; Jacob and I of course, and the guy who happened to be walking towards us. We had a bit of an awkward moment with that one. I loved every second of it though, and honestly, how could that NOT have happened with a couple like us?
Question 10: What's your first song going to be?
Answer: We have one in mind, but we never actually had a 'song' per say. Do you guys have songs with your hubbies? Are we alone in this?
10 questions? I think that'll do for now.