To begin, I have a little non-wedding related subjects to cover.
First I want to say thank you for the thoughts, prayers and delicious food that everybody has been giving myself and my family over the past 4 months. It's easy to say that we wouldn't have gotten through it all without the love and support of our community, but it's true. The best feeling on the day of your grandparent's funeral is walking into the church and seeing it packed with the people who love(d) and care(d) for you and Granny and Poppy.
They say people only get together for weddings or funerals. I've seen a lot of you folks for bad reasons lately. Let's get together next for the wedding, shall we?
Now, if you've made it through the mushy must-be-said stuff, I award you with CAKE TALK.Who doesn't love cake? Alright, my fiance doesn't love cake. In fact, he suggested a 'cake' made of sausages and bacon as the 'frosting'. As delicious and artery clogging as that sounds, I think maybe we should go a little more traditional and perhaps use sugar as a main component in the food we'll be shoving in each other's faces in front of a hundred people. I hear bacon grease makes your makeup run.
When we first started shopping around and looking at cakes, I found out that the average cost for a wedding cake is $100 a tier. Yes folks, A TIER. Let me do the math quickly. Most wedding cakes have 3 tiers. At 100 bucks a pop, that's.... carry the one, divide by 83.... 300 bucks for a mound of sugar and flour.
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate a beautiful cake. I'd just appreciate it a lot more if I didn't have to pay that much. Once Doreen heard my concerns about wedding cakes (I believe my exact words were, "I'm not friggin' payin' 300 bucks for a wedding cake, are they INSANE?"), she and I sat down and brainstormed about what could be done on our budget. Let me just state right now that Doreen Gallant might very well be the craftiest jack of all trades I have ever met, hands down. We learned how to make an easy marshmallow fondant via youtube, tried it on a small scale, and the next week she had created THIS:

Also, what do you guys think about a small cake to cut that's a little more budget friendly, then cupcakes for the guests?
Oh, also, 89 people to go in my 100 for 10 dress challenge. Jeepers creepers you guys are stellar.
Wow! Crafty people always amaze me! Those are the cutest things ever. I think the smaller cake and cupcakes is a nice idea. Especially if they`re as cute as those ones!
ReplyDeletejee thanks
ReplyDeleteI am a HUGE fan of cupcakes for weddings! It is still incredibly trendy and absolutely adorable! Doreen did an awesome job with the marshmallow fondant! I would love that recipe...if you remember the youtube link for it!
ReplyDeleteWhat I think you should do is either make a small 6" diameter cake for you guys to cut into or a dummy one (basically fondant covered styrofoam with decorations). That way you guys can have EXACTLY what your want for a reasonable price.
I also suggest checking out Wiltons website for hints and tips on decorating and using fondant. If you are really keen, go to Michaels and sign up for Wilton's cake decorating course! Since I have done them they have added another class. Its a whole lot of fun...and people sure want to be your friend when you have cake! LOL.
Gee...can you tell that I LOVE talking about cake/cupcakes. I can help your brainstorm some more ideas if you would like :D.