Saturday, April 24, 2010

Meet our flower girl!

Of course, being the incredibly smart, crafty and witty girl that I am, I didn't include pictures of our flower girl in the original wedding party post because I didn't think I had any on my computer.

Yes, I took all of the other pictures of the party from facebook, but forgot that there would be pictures of Taylor on facebook too, and gave up because I didn't have a scanner for her picture that's in my wallet.

Smarty pants.

This is long overdue, but (Drumroll please).....

Flower Girl: Taylor Harris

Taylor Claire Harris is easily one of the most dynamic personalities I've ever encountered. Recipe for Taylor: Take the diva of Whitney Houston, add a dash of attitude, a 2 cups of sugar and shove into a 4 foot frame. She brings so much life into every room she enters, and naturally demands an audience with a pinch-those-cheeks kind of smile.

She's got more charisma and life than a lot of adults I've known. She was a flower girl before, so, naturally having perfected the craft made her the perfect candidate for our big day.

Taylor with her mom, Holly.
Taylor's mother, Holly is my first cousin. My sisters, Holly and I were tight growing up, and it's strange seeing Taylor because a lot of the time it reminds me so much of young Holly that I have to take a step back, shake my head in a comedic cartoon fashion and just stare.

Yep. She's her mother's daughter, alright.

With the date finally confirmed, venues being booked, and family being alerted, it's finally starting to be real.


  1. Hey Marsha, what a great Wedding Party you and Jacob have!! I love your description of Taylor.

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