So, I've finished my exams, it's an absolutely GORGEOUS day outside... what's a girl to do but sit in her dark apartment and make a blog post?
The Wedding Party.
This post is a long time coming, but I had to wait until everything was finalized before I introduced the group of people immortalized in our wedding pictures. I can't wait to look back at them in 20 years (from our winter cottage in Hawaii with a view overlooking the ocean), laugh at our style and hairdo's, and say "Man, we chose a fantastic group of people, didn't we?"
So, let's get started, shall we? In no particular order:
Maid of Honour: Kim Robertson
Couldn't tell that we were sisters? Get your eyes checked. The choice of Kim as my maid of honour was an easy one. She's my best friend in life. We're so much alike that we can read each other's minds from across the country. No, seriously. On more than one occassion, she's called me out of the blue to ask if I was OK, when I was in fact bawling my eyes out over something. Then there was the time that I randomly felt the need to text "MATTRESSES!" to her and she was indeed shopping for a new mattress in Canmore. What we've got takes talent. She lives in Banff, and the main reason why I moved to Alberta on two separate occasions.
I'm making myself cold, should have chosen a summer picture.

Brides Maid: Krissy Robertson
As far as sisters go, this girl is tops. Originally I was planning on having 2 maids of honour. How do you choose between 2 of the most important females in your life? Krissy told me to choose Kim. She's more of a "behind the scenes" kind of person, I suppose. I'll let you in on a little secret: The FIRST thing this girl said to me when I told her I was engaged was "I DON'T LOOK GOOD IN PINK!" And that's exactly why I love her. She's naturally the most hilarious person I have ever met in my life. If we caught her antics on camera, she could be a youtube star. She lives with Jacob and I, and it's awesome.
What a girl!

Brides Maid: Josie Gallant
Josie is Jacob's sister and is quickly becoming one of my favorite people EVER. I've been with Jacob for 6 years, so it was only natural that this girl would become like a sister to me. To me, a relationship isn't a real relationship unless you can tease each other and throw coasters at each other at Christmas time. Oh, and compare presents from Doreen and Allie (Mine are always better because your mom loves me more. There. I said it). I'm extremely excited to have her in the wedding party because I know she'll make the day just that much more fun.
Josie and some guy she's dating.

Brides Maid: Tara O'Brien
I've known this girl since I was approximately one month old (I'm going to assume the day she was born, I wasn't RUSHED to the hospital to meet her as a 28 day old). We've definitely grown up together and I can remember numerous conversations that we had as kids where we decided that we would be each other's maids of honour. Well T, we're both older and realize that, while the wedding day will only happen once, a sister's scorn can last a lifetime. There's nobody better than this girl. She rationalizes situations that I blow out of proportion. She knows every word to ever song in the history of american pop culture. She's got more drive than anyone else I've ever met. She's my cousin, and my friend for life. She has been and will always be an honourary Robertson (especially with the red hair).
She's also ridiculously cute.

Brides Maid: Catherine Young
It's not often that you get to pick your sisters, and I guess technically I didn't. Weirdly enough, Catherine and I were tight before our parents started dating. We took guitar in community school and started our own fake band with Kristin Cheverie called Noise Pollution. Though inevitably our fake band broke up due to fake reasons like sex, drugs and rock and roll, Catherine and I continued to hang out and grew closer. I still remember the day she wrote in her livejournal (yes, we're talking early 2000's here) "Hey Marsha, I think our parents are dating!" I had known they were dating for a few months before that and felt bad for not mentioning it. Our folks fell in love, got married and it became official. Straight out of the pages of the Baby Sitter's Club, my friend became my "steppy". I never laugh harder than I do when I'm with her. I'm pretty sure our personalities were made for each other.
Here's where things get awesome. DOUBLE POST FOR
Best Man: Emile Gaudet
Brides Maid: Krista Vanderzwaag
Emile has known Jacob since the college/legendary 5B Brown's court days and has been part of the unstoppable trio of Jacob, Chris and Emile ever since. I'm pretty sure those guys are closer than Jacob and I, because they can bond over hockey (a sport I'll possibly never understand). Emile's an absolutely fantastic guy who deserves the best. Well, he got that and more in Krista. They've been dating for a few years and, from the first time I met her, I loved her. They compliment each other so well, and the 4 of us get along perfectly. From ruining every single picture in NYC by opening our mouths wide, to being part of Bowness.mpquack (the losingest team in Dub trivia), every moment is better when they're around. I'm so happy that they're in our wedding party. The fact that Krista does a fantastic T-Rex impression doesn't hurt, either.
One of the only "non wide open mouth" shots of our trip to NYC.

Groomsmen: Chris Hume
Chris is part of the unstoppable trio mentioned above. It feels like he's always been around, though I've only known him for the last 5 years or so. He's one of those real gentlemen types. You know, the kind where if you politely hold out your hand, they give you all the change in their wallet. No, seriously. One time, I even got 20 dollars out of him. Jacob and I lived with him and his girlfriend Sharon for awhile, and it was great! From the backyard bbq's to rocket beers, Chris is so much fun to be around and I know he and Sharon will make our wedding day amazing.
Chris and the Lovely Sharon. How did he manage to land her?

Groomsmen: Kevin Hanlon
Jacob and Kevin were best friends in high school and inseparable. I started to really get to know Kevin in 2003. Cruising up and down the strip in Souris in his Diplomat (and him being so kind as to not crush me when I kicked a huge dent in the door), hanging out at parties, beaching, you name it. If we've got a memory from high school and university, chances are this kid is in it. He's a riot to be around, he's always got your back, and I can't wait until he gets home so we can all hang out again.
Groomsmen: Curtis Gallant
Curtis is Jacob's older brother and friend. He lives in Montreal now with his girlfriend Elena, and it feels weird not to have him around. He's forever on my good side for the amazing apples to apples call, where he decided "Japan" was more explosive than "Hand Grenades". Then again, when I think of it, he's also the guy who won clue at the FIRST ROUND OF PLAY. Talk about a good guesser! Curtis is a fantastic guy, and I can't wait until they come home this summer.
Curtis with a friend. Let's give an "AWW!" for the adorable baby!

Groomsmen: Kyle Ferron
I've known Kyle since I was 2 months old and we were in Baby Band together (which is NOT as cool as it sounds. It's a church group thing, not an infant rock n' roll ensemble). He's been one of my best friends since we were babies, and one of Jacob's since we all started hanging out together. It's been awesome having him along for the ride. Without one word of a lie, approximately 90% of my best memories include him. Now, he's engaged himself to an awesome girl named Stephanie, and Steph and I can talk weddings until we're blue in the face!
I friggin' love these people.

Groomsmen: Luke McCabe
I've only met Luke for the first time last summer, where he was nice enough to help me and a friend out by pushing around a giant inflatable sphere for hours. He's known Jacob for years though, playing on the same hockey teams (winning and losing, but probably mainly losing). He definitely coined the phrase "Ree Dee Doo" that Jacob and I say way too often, and it'll be great to get to know him better over the next year!
Luke and his girlfriend

PS: Please ignore the terrible change in font size/spacing, blogspot is not cooperating today.
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