The Gala Expo is held in Moncton on February 21st and it showcases almost all things wedding. My sister and a few friends and I were thinking of going over around then anyways, so it seems like the perfect time! Plus, there's a 1 in 5000 chance of winning a new car.
Maybe my father was right when he said "If you have a year and a half to plan a wedding, it'll take you a year and a half".
Oh yeah, tentative date: June 11, 2011 or June 18, 2011!
Doreen and I are looking at these little jacket thingies to go over sleeveless dresses.
These are just examples, it all depends on the dress, if I even need one. I am loving lace though, I'll tell you that much.

I'm pretty much decided on not a pure white as well - it looks terrible on me and it's one tradition that I'm willing to overlook so I don't look like a giant marshmallow.
Annnd we think we have our song picked out for our first dance, but I'm not sure if you're supposed to keep these things quiet or not so I'll hush for now!